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Official Website of the Department of Homeland Security

Helpful Info

Get Started Here’s a quick overview to help you get oriented.

What is it?

DTOPS, the Decal and Transponder Online Procurement System, lets you place orders and pay online for annual user fees and single crossing fees associated with crossing the borders into the United States.

Do I need to pay the fee?

Payment of a fee is required when entering the United States if:

For detailed information related to the requirements of the User Fee, see the Code of Federal Regulations: 19 CFR 24.22

What will I need to do?

Icon that represents logging in or signing up for a DTOPS profile

Log in or sign up for a DTOPS profile

Icon that represents setting up your purchasing account

Set up your purchasing account

Icon that represents adding items to your shopping cart

Add item(s) to your shopping cart

Icon that represents checkout via our secure online payment system

Checkout with our secure online payment system

Icon that represents receipt of an email following payment

Shortly after, you'll receive a payment confirmation and/or receipt via email. Any requested items will be mailed

How much will it cost?

The current costs of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) User Fees when entering the United State are as follows:

Type of Fee Cost
Private Aircraft Decal
(Annual User Fee)
$34.83 (U.S.) per calendar year
Private Vessel Decal
(Annual User Fee)

for vessels 30 feet or more in length
$34.83 (U.S.) per calendar year
Commercial Vehicle Transponder
(Annual User Fee)
$418.27 (U.S.) total per calendar year
  • $126.67 – U.S. CBP
  • $291.60 – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
Commercial Vehicle
(Single Crossing Fee)
$14.24 (U.S.) per crossing into the United States*
  • $6.95 – U.S. CBP
  • $7.29 – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
Note: After you have paid $126.67 to U.S. CBP in single crossing fees for one vehicle for the calendar year, any remaining single crossing fees that year for that vehicle will include only the APHIS portion of the fee.

What else can I do here?

In addition to paying an Annual User Fee (either a new one or a renewal) or a commercial vehicle Single Crossing Fee, DTOPS can help you:

  • Order a replacement transponder
  • Transfer a vehicle into your fleet
  • Maintain your inventory (for which an annual user fee has been purchased)
  • Print receipts (either for an individual conveyance or an entire order)
  • Update vehicle information, including the owner
  • Update purchasing account information (contact information, manage authorized users)

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice: An agency may not conduct or sponsor an information collection and a person is not required to respond to this information request unless it displays a current valid OMB control number and an expiration date. The control number for this collection is 1651-0052. The estimated average time to complete this application is 20 minutes for vehicles and 16 minutes for aircraft and vessels. If you have any comments regarding the burden estimate you can write to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Office of Regulations and Rulings, 799 9th Street NW, Washington DC 20229. Expiration 07-31-2024