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Official Website of the Department of Homeland Security

Helpful Info

Need a Paper Application? It's recommended you apply online for a Decal or Transponder (a User Fee) using this website. However, you can also apply by submitting a paper application.

Note: The paper application can only be used for purchasing Annual User Fees; it cannot be used to purchase Single Crossing Fees.


Download the form(s) you need from the table:
What mode of transportation (conveyance) do you have? The name of the form you'll need is: Download the form as a PDF here:
vehicle Commercial Vehicle Form 339C - Vehicle Application CBP Form 339C PDF
aircraft Private Aircraft Form 339A - Annual User Fee Decal Request - Aircraft CBP Form 339A PDF
vessel Private Vessel Form 339V - Annual User Fee Decal Request - Vessel CBP Form 339V PDF
Fill out the PDF online and then print it, or print it first and fill it out by hand.
Mail the completed form with payment to:
Mailing Address
  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection
  • Revenue Division - ATTN: DTOPS Program Administrator
  • 8899 East 56th Street
  • Indianapolis, IN 46249
Note: If paying by check, the form and check must be mailed.

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice: An agency may not conduct or sponsor an information collection and a person is not required to respond to this information request unless it displays a current valid OMB control number and an expiration date. The control number for this collection is 1651-0052. The estimated average time to complete this application is 20 minutes for vehicles and 16 minutes for aircraft and vessels. If you have any comments regarding the burden estimate you can write to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Office of Regulations and Rulings, 799 9th Street NW, Washington DC 20229. Expiration 07-31-2024